God's Voice - Part 9

Scripture Reading - 1 John 2:20 KJV

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

Today’s lesson will continue to build upon knowing the “Voice of God”. In a previous lesson we set a foundation of Jesus, Thee Good Shepherd, being the “Voice of God” or we could say literally the “Voice of the Lord”. We concluded that if you want to know the “Voice of God” you must be familiar with the “Word of God” specifically recorded in the Holy Bible. In another lesson we learned how the Prophet Samuel learned the “Voice of God” with some guidance from his elder. Thus, many elders are set in the Body of Christ to help younger disciples discern the “Voice of The Lord”. We also spoke about Jesus speaking the “Voice of God” publically and whatever we hear publically through the minister of God has direct impact on our personal lives. We also discussed the “Voice of Lord” coming through a God Ordained/Anointed Minister. Many people look at the man or woman of God as a mere person instead of listening to what they are saying as an inspired minister of God. If we are smart we will examine everything we hear in the light of God’s Word and His Great Love for us. In a previous lesson we discussed the “Voice of the Lord” coming from the Presence of God in our midst, not so much as God speaking to you from a great distance in Heaven. God is always here (on earth) with you therefore you can hear Him in your heart when you are listening for Him. In one lesson we highlighted God speaking to you in a still and small voice. Noting that being still (finding a private place for fellowship with God) and remaining small in your own eyes (humility) will help you in hearing from God. In one lesson we addressed the fact that God is one voice repeating the same thing, not several voices stating different things. We briefly taught on God’s Voice being “peace”. Yes, a measureable “peace” that comes into your heart on purpose for a specific thing at a specific time. In this lesson we will highlight the “voice of God being an exact (a certain) knowing”. Upon examination of the reference verse we first see that the scripture very clearly states “you have “an unction” from the Holy One” which means you already have a precious gift from God. Yes, you don’t have to pray for it and you don’t need to wonder if this is something for only those in ministry because the “ye” the scripture is referring to is “you” and “all Christians” young and old, white or black, minister or a new born-again babe. This word “unction” we will look at four different ways, not to confuse anyone, we just want you to properly understand exactly what the scripture is saying to us from a few different angles. First, the word “unction” can be explained as “an anointing” from God to bring clarity to uncertain thoughts or questions in your heart. This is why part b of 1 John 2:20 states, “and ye know all things”. Notice the conjunction “and” because the first part of the verse is joined to the second part of the verse which means you need the “unction” first to “know all things” after that. Yes, this “unction” is specifically design by God to communicate His response to you when you are asking questions to God or if you have some concerns in your heart. The “unction” in many cases serves the Believer (The Child of God) in their spirit so all the Christian has to do is look inside their own heart for divine guidance and confirmation of God’s Will for their life. Secondly, the “unction” from the Holy One can also be looked at as a godly result (resolution) down deep in your stomach which is not easily explained. This “unction” inside the core of your being, which is the center of your heart can bear witness to good or bad. It, or more specifically He, can give you a nonverbal assurance to either proceed forward or stop and move away from a certain direction you are involved with. This witness can be a red or green light when considering to partner with someone else. We (ihlcc) must say that you should always look to include God when making decisions that will affect your life because He is your Lord and Savoir and friend so shouldn’t His opinion be important to you? We believe it should and we also believe you need God’s help in one form or fashion doing your everyday activities. Therefore the “unction” describe in our second example should be operational in every Believer in the Body of Christ when they start to understand who God Is and exactly how God speaks to His Beloved Children. The third interpretation of the word “unction is a prompting from God”. This “prompting” influences you to do a certain thing or it can also forbid you from doing something sinful or foolish. The “prompting from God” will always influence you to follow God’s Will and you will know exactly what you should do without a long explanation from God. Yes, typically the “prompting” will call for some action on your part but it is not limited to you always doing something for someone else because you could have a “prompting” to spend more time with God or pray in tongues more frequently. We don’t know all the variations of the “promptings of God” but we do know that one “Voice of God” is spoken through “Promptings” in your heart. The fourth possible way to interpret “the unction from the Holy One” is as “confident knowing” in your heart and mind. We say both heart and mind because when the “unction” is properly established inside of you, you know in both your heart and mind. In context we are using the heart as your new born-again spirit and your mind is the thinking (analysis) part of your soul. Your soul houses your mind, your will and your emotions. God is so wise He designed the “unction” to be a clearly identifiable answer to your prayers such that no further explanation is necessary. This fourth type of “unction” is when you commonly hear the phrase, “I can’t explain how I know but I do know this is going to happen next”. Another common phrase we hear when this gift of God is present is, “I don’t know how I know but I do know that everything is going to turn out fine”. A beautiful trait about the “Voice of God as an unction” is this gift works in you but it also works in other people if they are involved in your life. Yes, other believers have the “unction of God” too and when God is trying to communicate with you this “unction”, this knowing could manifest in other people in your presence. When this happens we pray (we hope, we desire, we believe for) those who have “an unction (an authentic word from God)”’ for them to share that only with us as more confirmation from God. Please do not (we repeat) do not take whatever somebody says to you as God’s Will for your life because that is not how God leads His Little Children. No, God uses this unction to lead His People, God uses His Word to lead His People, God uses the Holy Spirit to lead His People so don’t look for guidance through other people but rather look inside for divine guidance by the “Voice of God” speaking the Word of God. If the “unction” is what you sense in your heart as God’s Voice that “unction” can be described in many ways. However, we (ihlcc) have shared a few different ways we have seen it in operation. First, the anointing in your heart bringing a response from God to an issue (concern, burden, troubling thought) in your heart or on your mind. Secondly, the “unction” could also be an answer that is felt down deep in your heart. It is not always fully understood so you couldn’t always explain it to someone else but it definitely brings clarity of thought to your troubled mind to help you know what’s going on and what decision you need to make. Thirdly, the “unction of God” will prompt you to do a certain thing that is according His Will. This “prompting” will always agree with God’s Word so never think a “prompting” to do something evil is initiated by God, our Holy Loving Father or His Son Jesus Christ. Fourthly, the “unction” could be a blessed assurance about a future outcome that does come to pass. We say that because God is truth and God is accurate so the witness (unction) from God is solid and sure, it shall come to pass when it is truly “God’s Voice”. The key is just knowing God’s Word well enough to understand His Ways and when you know (understand) that, you will also understand “God’s Voice being transferred as an unction” or we could say as the established “confident knowing” in your heart to help maintain victory on this earth in Jesus Name. So when prompted to praise God you now know this as God’s Voice speaking to your heart while speaking in your heart. Praise God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. Amen!